Friday, April 4, 2014

"Random failures"

 This morning I had some time, so I started up FlightGear and took off from WBGR and practiced touch-go a little bit with the Citation X. Once in the air about 6000 feet, I was browsing the menus and saw "Random failures".

 Feeling adventurous, I selected it. A menu popped up, asking for failure sequences and time to fail. I selected within 1 minute and some other option I did not bother to look through.

 Must be something I did, because the failures came piling on one after another!! First the electrical system, so all the instrumentation blanked out, including the Master Caution lights. I began turning the aircraft around, did my imaginary emergency calls, and prepare for an emergency landing. As I did so yet another message appeared telling me something failed.

And another.

And yet another.

 I simply did not have time to understand the failures! At one point I saw the message "Engine 3" fail, and thought, huh, CitationX only has two engines... but didn't think much about it - I was on single engined approach.

 Things kept failing. I couldn't even keep track of what, exactly. As I was appraching to fast, I hit the speedbrakes to slow down, and as I was slow enough I retracted it - and guess what? Speedbrake fail! So I increased engine thrust and pulled up - this was when I was about 1500ft agl, and just in front of the runway.

 On FlightGear at WBGR, there is a big tree at the end of the runway. I clipped that tree with my wingtips when I watched the replay later.

 The plane was not properly lined up, and I did some aileron turns to line up, and THAT failed. Fortunately, the last turn was lined up relatively well and I had to use rudder alone to align. Hit the runway - hard- at an angle, wit ha high sinkrate, at just stalling speed (less than 120kts) and probably slapped the wingtip there, used rudder to further align with the runway and hit the brakes.

 Screeched to a halt. Well the CitationX in FG had suspiciously good braking distances but I''ll ignore that for now, that would be a good thing in this situation.

And then, Engine 1 failed. The plane is now dead in the middle of the runway with no power.

Didn't stop there though, things kept failing. Things that I didn't know existed on a plane failed.

Oh, what fun! But I'm probably not going to try Random Failures again.... with the kind of failure I just had, it was probably an onboard fire by the looks of how everything just stopped working completely.

And someone needs to cut down that tree growing in the middle of the landing path...

Pictures soon..

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